[SOLVED] The Legend of Dragoon Disc 2

YES!!! Let me know if you run into any issues when you get to disc 3.

With regards to a donation, there should be a yellow PayPal link to the left when you’re at the top of any page. It’s also on the front page below the intro text and before the games. I’d accept a fractional bitcoin donation as well.

It’s rewarding and refreshing to see your appreciation. Having you folks around to find problems with any of the games is an invaluable asset. It’s the main reason we set up and maintain the forum so I’m glad to see it being used to make the site better.

Thanks again to everyone that helped out with this one!

Hi Admin, thank you for the indication I will do my part. I also encourage everyone that enjoy the site to do the same. I’m now at Giganto Home when entering the city I have a black screen. Here is my GGZ when the screen is black.
Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 2) (6).ggz (1.8 MB)

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IVe been able to pass. I did back the Mirage boss with going back to to that file. Then Ive been back to giganto home and press don’t enter. I saved just in cased and I’ve been back again to enter and it worked. Just in case it can help others.

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Hi Sir, I’m at Disc 3 now. Same thing as in the end of Disc 2. It doesn’t mounting to disc 3 and the loading freeze. Here my GGZ file from disc 3 changing interface. Thank you again !

Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 2) (34).ggz (2.2 MB)

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I’ve replaced disc3 with another version. Please attempt to switch to disc 3 and let us know if you’re still having issues.

YEESSIRR !! back to work baby !!

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Hello again, Im having the switch disc issue I’m now at disc 4 here is my ggz of the disc switch screen. I forgot how much that game was good and so f*** addictive lol . Thank you again for all your support.
Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 3) (43).ggz (2.2 MB)

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Try again and let me know if things work when loading up disc 4 - we can then officially set this issue as resolved. Thanks for all the help!

actually all disc load except of the disc 4

Hi, thank you again for the support. The loading is not starting. I switch disk then add my save and the loading is not starting. I will wait for your instruction. I noticed that when you try to load the disc directly without saves files it is the only one that is not loading . Thank you again !!

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Must have been an error in transit. Can you try again? Let me know if disc 4 loads and if you can continue on from disc 3.

Happy to report Disc 4 loads using the .ggz from @Jiujitsu Disc 3 game save.

Here’s a game save of @Jiujitsu’s journey with EmuBrowser to conquer 3 discs of The Legend of Dragoon troubleshooting…so far!

Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 4).ggz (1.9 MB)

Hi, I forgot to send my reply. I am actually completing disc 4 2 boss remaining. I’Ve managed to pass the black screen in the castle by using the save dot in the game and then restard the playstation emulator and using the load from the memory card and it worked ! I will keep you post with my completing of the game !!

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Amazing work! :mega: :mega: :mega:

@Jiujitsu Can you elaborate or discribe the process a bit more for this part? It sounds like you’ve discovered a workaround that was reported in the past.

by using the save dot in the game and then restard the playstation emulator and using the load from the memory card and it worked !

If I can find a similar issue I’ll direct visitors to your method so they can finish the game to completion. Thanks again!

Hi guys, sorry for the delay I was out for vacation. All the black screens issues has been passed by the same technique. I’Ve save the game thought the game save point then I am restarting the emulator with a right click and choose restart. It brings me on the main menu with new game and continue. Since you save directly in the game and the browser page has not been refreshed you will see you saved game in continues option. Once you get in your game in this path you are able to skip the black screen. By the way I finished the game completely !! thank you again for your amazing work

Hi guys, sorry for the delay I was out for vacation. All the black screens issues has been passed by the same technique. I’Ve save the game thought the game save point then I am restarting the emulator with a right click and choose restart. It brings me on the main menu with new game and continue. Since you save directly in the game and the browser page has not been refreshed you will see you saved game in continues option. Once you get in your game in this path you are able to skip the black screen. By the way I finished the game completely !! thank you again for your amazing work

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Knowing the game works from start to finish is a huge weight off of our shoulders. We really appreciate you sticking around and putting in all that time.

Let us know if there are any games you’d like us to add, or any issues you need us to fix. You rock @Jiujitsu !!! :metal:

Alright, I keep finding the fix right after I make these posts…


Just started using this site to play Legend of Dragoon! Very happy to know I can play the whole game! Sadly I have been dealing with black screens lately. I’ve made it to the bandit’s location, had a fight just before Giganto appears on screen, but now the screen stays black. I would not like to start over again. Can someone help me out here?