I finished Disc 1 of The Legend of Dragoon and went to load the second one, but I got a black screen and now none of my saves before I finished are working.
Did you properly swap from disc 1 to 2, saving your ggs save state in order to transfer data from disc 1 to 2? Here’s a video if you missed this step:
I just finished helping someone make it to disc 2 so maybe the problem is fixed? I’m not sure what steps you’ve taken, but if you send me your most recent game save file (name-of-game.ggz) from disc 1, I might be able help.
That worked, thank you. Haven’t played this game since my childhood and have been looking for somewhere to play since quarantine started. Thanks for the video link, that definitely helped.
Happy to help @Corndag17. Enjoy the site and stay safe.
8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Legend of Dragoon Freeze
I cant enter the home of Gignatos also
Check of my save file for a working disk 2 save
Disc doesn’t load/freeze just before Lenus boss fight 1 in Twin Castle.
Anyone know how to fix?
I am encountering this same issue with v1.1 of Legend of Dragoon even after following the steps in the posted video. I am using a ggs save state, but it still is not working and I am unable to upload it here. The game loads and then says that it is launching and remains stuck at that point.
caan u plz help me get to disk 2 on legend of dragoon
Hello Sir, I’ve finished disc 1 and they telling me to change for disc 2. Im changing to disk 2 downloading the tablet GGS and when I’m doing the page reloading after putting disc 2 Im adding the file as they ask and it doesn’t Load. I cannot add the GGS file here. Can you please help.
Hello Sir, I lived the exact same situation. getting 2 disc 2 switch. Downloading the file and switching Disc then reloading the page and adding the file and id doesnt load up. Could you please tell me If I can send you my file. Thank you for your service and please tell me where I can Donate for the site.
it is the closest file before disc 2 is asking since the disc 2 interface is download in ggs
Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 1) (12).ggz (2.1 MB)
Sorry about that ggs upload denial. You should be able to upload it now. Add the ggs when you have a moment and I’ll see if I can help out.
Hi Admin,
I’m still having this message when trying to add the GGS file.
Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ggz).
is there any place where I can sent it in private ?
Try again?
I added it to the wrong spot
Hi Sir, I’m sorry to bother but I cant add it I have a message that the file is too big. Should I send it in a ZIP file or google drive link ?
Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is 4 MB).
Here the last ggz possible right on the change to disc 2 screen I save manually without using the change cd interface
Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 1) (15).ggz (2.1 MB)
Thanks for this! I’ll use what you have and create my own .ggs from it. Just curious how large the file size was so I can update the max upload value if I need to later on.
Hi Sir, the file was 4.3mb (4340ko). Thank you for your work and please don’t forget to tell where we can donate to you. Your work about providing us our childhood best game is really appreciate !
I think I got it working. Please load disc 1 using your .ggz file and switch discs as you would in the past. When prompted after the refresh to add your .ggs, do so and disc 2 should load.